viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

Welcome to the class of 2019

Dear class of 2019,

On behalf of the LITIN teaching staff, I would like to welcome you all to the UniOvi Humanities Campus, and, more specifically, to the course Intoduction to English Literature.

As I explained to you in class, this course blog is an excellent tool for us, both teachers and students, to see how creative you are, and how good at writing amazing poems and short stories.

Every now and then, I will suggest a challenge for you, and you are more than welcome to accept each and every challenge, or maybe just the one, depending on how much free time you have, or how appealing each challenge is for you.

A few days ago, I suggested you write a short story which contains one sphere that is of special relevance for the developement of the narrative. One student in the morning group has already dared to pick up the challenge, and she has written a wonderful short story. Please read it and leave your comments. And see if you'd like to try you hand at writing your own story with a sphere in it!

Resultado de imagen de sphere

I'm looking forward to reading everything you write!

Best wishes,


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