martes, 10 de octubre de 2017

Don't belong to no city

Carmen Lucía Prieto Eugenio

Don't belong to no city
don't belong to no land.
Don't know my home
but I'm still trying to find it.
Don't let them know you are different,
you are different.
Don't let them know.
Don't let them know.

October 2017


2 comentarios:

  1. The anaphoras in this poem cause a lot of anxiety, don't they? The negative adverbs add to its pessimism. The final command, "Don't let them know", breaks my heart in two. Imagine being forced to hide who you really are... Thank you for this powerful and poignant poem about unbelonging!

  2. Thank you very much for this compelling poem. I would like to emphasise the the line "you are different" which to me gives a glimpse of hope. In the midst of all the other negative associations, it stands as a positive reminder of self-assertion.
