miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

News of the World

Gabriela Pascual Berros

Coming home
Watching the news
An earthquake in the so-called Third World
Nobody knew

Promoting racism and hate
Fake patriots covered in flags
Journalists do not dare to call them Fascists
Although it is just a simple fact

The right keeps on cutting rights
The left and trade unions
They have lost hope
That is why the working class is giving up the revolution
And also not using its vote

Politicians and the Pope
Still deciding over women’s bodies
Of course the cannot work
They should only change nappies

Now, us the young
We have a decision to make
On if we want to preserve this system
Or throw it all away

So would we rather riot over a society
Which causes nothing but pain
Or to leave this world quietly
Without shouting any complaint?

1 comentario:

  1. Amazing poem, full of power, and rage. Which I fully share! Thank you for writing and letting us all read such a great poem!
