miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Free Election

Natalia García Bonilla

It was primary colour,
principal colour
associated to the intensity
to the fruit of passion
the fiery red or the infernal red.

He had fallen in love
with the purity and delicacy.
He fell in love with a neutral
that was married with the black
that kept her prisoner
in the yin and yang,
in the footsteps of zebra, and did not allow her to pass.
Their children were grey,
prisoners of hardships with few joys to tell.
They wanted to cut impurities without more,
they wanted laugh days and did not have darkness

The red in a picture invited the white to dance
and white proposed to red a leak to a range of happiness.
White abandoned black and his damn darkness
that kept her prey of fear and insecurity.

White and red were married and a “very special” pink was born,
because people called it a girl for the reason of that stupid social code.
It felt like a boy and it did not want to be anything else
than what he felt in his heart,
even though others did not understand that there is free choice.

2 comentarios:

  1. Thank you for picking up an issue that needs to be discussed, but is still a taboo in many circles. Thanks for being brave enough to open up a discussion on sexual identity!

  2. Congratulations! A very good poem, I enjoyed it very much! I support you to write more because you are a big talent to wiritng!
