martes, 15 de octubre de 2024

Two iambic pentameters by Carla Crespo Pando


Carla Crespo Pando

                                                                                            October 2024

So Anne has shone as bright as sun and moon

As long as sun and light can kiss my heart.

A poem in iambic pentameters by Teodor Nicolae


Teodor Nicolae

                                                                         October 2024

I thought I was on top of all the world,
A fleeting star that sparkled in her eye.
But shadows crept and doubts around me swirled,
Until I lost my way within her light.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024

Four iambic pentameters by Flavia Acosta Fernández


Flavia Acosta Fernández


                                                                                                                                            October 2024

I try to look away, but then your lips

They make me wish I was the wine you drink.


My mind, the painful voice that ruled my life.

Your eyes, the light that made me feel alive.


Welcome to class of 2024-2025!

Dear Students,

I've only known you for a month or so, but I can already say that I am delighted to be your teacher of English Literature. I have fun with you in my classes, and I've just discovered that there are a number of poets among you, and good ones at that!, which pleases me a lot.

So, this is just to say, as William Carlos Williams would put it, that you've stolen my heart, and also that I hope you'll enjoy this introductory course to English Literature and will learn a great deal. 

May English Literature become your sweet, and cold, and delicious plums--the forbidden fruit that will grant you hours and hours of pleasure.

Best wishes,


lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022

The Rose


Arancha Álvarez Fernández

December 2022

A woman was waiting, a man was searching for love.

The lady was lost, the boy was looking for a rose,

A rose which tells the way to connect their hope.

Pygmalion: An Alternative Ending


Arancha Álvarez Fernández

December 2022


Liza: Here they are, Mr. Higgins, your reindeer gloves and a tie, chosen by myself as you requested.

Higgins: Brilliant, Eliza. I knew you were going to reconsider your behavior. I assume you have forgotten to apologize yourself but it is fine. I forgive your attitude and the horrible words you uttered yesterday.

Eliza exits the room, grumbling in a low voice.

(Several months later)

The Parlor-Maid: Madam, Eliza is here and demands to see you immediately.

Mrs. Higgins: Well, then ask her to come in.

The Parlor-Maid asks Eliza to enter the room.

Liza: (crying) Good morning, Mrs. Higgins. I am sorry to bother you by breaking this terrible news to you. I don’t know how to start telling you this.

Mrs. Higgins: What happened?, dear Eliza, I am getting worried!

Eliza: It is about Mr. Higgins. He...he... He has turned up dead in his bedroom this morning.

Mrs. Higgins sits on her Elizabethan chair and starts crying.

(In the funeral)

Freddy: I have taken care of everything. You do not have to worry about anything that happened in that bedroom that morning.

Liza: Thank you, Freddy. I am sorry for involving you in this situation but he deserved it. He underestimated me!

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022


Miguel Espina Ruiz de la Peña

28 October, 2022                                            




The first day of the year in London meant a lot for Mike Adams. He was very nervous about going to Westminster Abbey with his parents. He loved the monument because he had learnt a lot of the monument’s history at school. Mike was an interested boy because every place he visited gave him knowledge that he could share with his classmates. While he and his family were inside the Abbey, being interested in the most valuable objects, suddenly, Mike saw a small object on the floor. An hour later, when they returned home, the boy searched for information about the object: it was a gold and valuable coin. His little brother, Sam, was as interested as him and he saw his brother with the object. He asked Mike: “Oh, that’s incredible, can you show it to me, please?” Mike was uncomfortable at that moment because he didn’t want to share things with anybody. Then, his brother added: “I will tell our mom that you have this object unless you show it to me”. They had to go to school and Mike took the object with him. Later, his Maths teacher caught him red-handed with his treasure and called his father. From this moment onwards, Mike must do community services as a form of punishment.